How Environment Impacts Flavor
Did you know that where and how oysters and clams are raised affects their flavor? Indeed, the taste of oysters and clams is greatly influenced by where they live. It makes sense. These creatures of the sea live in ocean water 24/7 a day, filtering up to 50 gallons of

The History of the Sewansecott Oyster
Sewansecott oysters have a long history of excellence in the local area. In case you haven’t heard of them, Sewansecott oysters are oysters that grow in cages in Hog Island Bay, Virginia. Full-body-flavored with a hint of savory flavor and a lingering sweet touch to balance out the heavy brine, these

Top 5 Ways to Enjoy Oysters
Oysters are a beloved seafood treat for millions of Americans. Sweet yet salty at the same time, there’s no denying the flavor of fresh Sewansecott-brand ocean salt oysters. But the best part is, there are many ways to enjoy oysters, from raw to fried and everything in between. Check out

Health Profile of Clams
The health benefits of seafood are undisputed. Clams in particular have a robust health profile, but beyond that, they’re delicious to eat. Today, let’s take a look at the nutritional value of clams. A Nutritional Bonanza A plate of steamed clams not only tastes amazing, it packs a punch in

Health Profile of Oysters
All seafood products have immense health benefits, and oysters are no exception. On top of their robust health profile, oysters are delicious to feast on, making them a go-to summer treat. Here’s a glimpse of the nutritional value of oysters. A Nutritional Powerhouse Many people prefer to eat oysters raw

Serving You Sustainably
Today we’ll discuss what it means to harvest sustainable oysters and clams, the reasons why the wild population remains unaffected, and what the process is for maintaining natural flavors of the local environment. First, let’s reiterate that H.M. Terry Co remains strongly committed to our natural environment. We care about